Privacy Policy

By using this website, you agree to our “Terms and Conditions” and understand our Privacy Policy. Method by Meg LLC (“we”, “us” “our”) respects your privacy and hopes to be as clear as possible with our Privacy Policy below.



This website collects personal data to power our site analytics, including:

-information about your browser, network, and device

-web pages you visited prior to coming to this website

-your IP address


This information may also include details about your use of this website, including:


-internal links

-pages visited






We collect personal information via our booking platform form inquiry if interested in booking an event or by signing up for our newsletter & marketing emails. Information collected includes:


-email address

-billing information



We use your personal information to:

-communicate via email in order to further plan an event or communicate updates about our classes, programming, and company updates

-schedule events

-receive feedback

-send marketing emails

-market via social media platforms


We share your personal information in order to fulfill contracts, process payments, data analysis, and market email campaigns through providers & hosters. The security of your personal information is upheld by third party servers and SSL encryption. 

We will not sell or rent your personal information. We will hold your personal information indefinitely. You have the right to request which personal information we have on file for you at any time. You may at any time change the personal information given to us. You may request deletion of personal information at any time. Any questions about your personal information from third party users, you should contact them. 


You may request any time to unsubscribe or opt out of any email chains or marketing emails sent from your use of this website. 



This policy may be updated, changed, and tweaked frequently to comply with federal and international laws. User acknowledges that if  they visit this site after a change in policy they do so at their own risk and consent to the information this website provides and gathers from the user.



These Terms and Conditions will be upheld by New Jersey Law with jurisdiction in Hudson County. 


This website is owned and operated under Method by Meg LLC. Any complaints, comments, questions, concerns should be sent to .


Last updated 8/28/2023